Saturday, March 30, 2013

Repair and fix

Description: A job that requires you to fix and repair computer and computer equipment. Often this involves removing a component from within the computer and replacing it with a good component.

Requirements:Requirements: A good understanding of computer hardware, computer disassembly, proper tools, and good troubleshooting skills.

Recommendations: Build your own computer or disassemble and re-assemble a computer. Become familiar with computers, software, hardware, and the products the company makes.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) Because this job requires a good understanding of disassembling a computer, knowing what components to repair, and how to fix components when needed this job can have a high difficulty level.


Description: Selling a product or service to another person or company.

Requirements: Good communication skills and a general understanding of computers and the product that is being sold.

Recommendations: If you're selling computers, computer hardware, or computer software, become familiar with all aspects of the product. Sites like Computer Hope are a great resource to learn about computers. If you're selling a specialized product developed by the company you will be selling for, visit their web page and become as familiar with the product as possible.
Difficulty: (LOW) Sales for computer software, hardware, electronics, or related products is a good first job and can be a good way to learn more about computers

Technical Support (Technician or Help Desk)

Description: Helping an end-user or company employee with their computers, software program, and hardware device. A technical support position is a great first step for people interested in working in the computer industry.

Requirements: A basic understanding of computers, computer's software, and hardware.

Recommendations: Become as familiar as possible with computers, computer software, and computer hardware, depending on what you will be supporting. Almost all technical support centers that help end-users with their computers, computer software, or computer hardware products have training that all employees go through before you start work, but will still often require that the user be familiar with computers.
Help desks for corporations do not usually have any training; these positions require that the person being hired already have a very good understanding of computers and troubleshooting computer problems.

Difficulty: (LOW - MEDIUM) The difficulty of this job is really depending on the training you get. However, someone who is familiar with computers or works with computers often will have an easy time with these positions after a few days working at them.

Technical Writing

Description: This position often involves creating or editing technical papers or manuals.

Requirements: This position often requires that the individual has a basic understanding about the subject being written about and have good writing skills.

Recommendations: Many of these positions will require that the person have a degree and will often test a user before hiring them. In addition to having good writing skills, you should also be familiar with a major word processor.

Difficulty: (LOW - MEDIUM) For someone who has good writing skills and familiarity with the subject, this job can be an easy job.

Security expert

Description: Test and find vulnerabilities in a system, hardware device, or software program.

Requirements: This position is for someone who has a strong familiarity with how software, hardware, and networks work and how to exploit them. Often, you will need to have a good understanding of how the overall system works as well as good programming skills.

Recommendations: Keep up-to-date with all security news, advisories, and other related news. The majority of security vulnerabilities are through software, and in order to understand these vulnerabilities or find new security vulnerabilities, you'll need to understand how to program and have a good understand of how software works and interacts with computers.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) The difficulty of this job really depends on what you're testing or trying to find any vulnerabilities in.

Webmaster or Web Designer

Description: A job where a person creates, maintains, or completely designs a web page.

Requirements: For basic web designing positions you should have a good understanding of HTML, the Internet, and web servers. More advanced positions where you will be working with more advanced web pages and not just static web pages may also require that you be familiar with such things as CGI, CSS, Flash, FTP, Linux, Perl, PHP, RSS, SSI, Unix, or XHTML.
In addition to having a good understanding of the technologies and code used to create a web page, you're also often required to know the software programs they are created in.

Recommendations: One of the best learning experiences for people who are interested in this job is to create your own web page. Keeping in mind that designing and posting a web page using WYSIWYG editor without understanding HTML or the code of how it works may not be sufficient enough for most jobs.

Difficulty: (MEDIUM - HIGH) The complexity of this job is really dependent on how difficult of a project you're working on, creating and posting a simple web site with no interaction is not that hard. However, creating an interactive site with forms, databases, and overall more interaction with the user and the server can increase the difficulty of the job significantly.


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